The Virginia Street Art Festival (VSAF) seeks artists to design and paint murals. VSAF is open to other art types including installations, fiber art, projection-art, sculpture, and more. Note: This application is for visual artists (makers of art) not for musicians/performers.
Past artists have worked for free: for the exhibit history credit and for the honor of having a lasting legal art wall on public view through this curated and selective event. Unless otherwise agreed, travel costs, labor, design, and paint costs will be the artist’s responsibility.
Past VSAFs created a mural among the USA’s tallest (and, we feel, most awesome). Since 2021, famed painters and nationally-known OG New York subway artists have been lending their names to the festival: many thanks to the great Kenny Scharf, Lady Pink, and the rest.
VSAF is not credentialist and does not care about your artist’s statement. We aren’t interested in making you write.
Working artists, MFA students, whiz kids, complete unknowns, celebrity artists, and any others are all welcome.
NO imagery may include nudity, political content, religion, foul language, sexual content, hate speech, or any other content which might be problematic on public view in a “family” setting. VSAF reserves the right to exclude any art at any time for any reason –or no reason. VSAF and/or property owner/s might wish to remove art for any reason –or no reason– and VSAF artists shall not ever sue or participate in legal action against those who remove VSAF art. Applying constitutes agreement to abide by the previous statements.
Artists, to help us decide whether you are worthy (and perhaps: what manner of wall to award you), please be honest about the following:
(Applying constitutes agreement to comply with VSAF conditions as they appear here and as they may be amended in the future.)